Monday, October 5, 2009


Crying, Sweating, Running, Hurting and Accomplishing. "Do or do not, there is no try." Jedi Master Yoda
There are times in our lives when we learn new and better things and become just a little more then we were before. Most of us believe that we can't do most things that are available for us to accomplish in this life. I am most certainly included in that group. However this fall I have encountered a new perspective. I accomplished something that in my mind was impossible, completely and utterly impossible for someone like me to do. I never even thought of trying before. This has opened my eyes to a whole new way of living. What have I missed in life by just throwing by the wayside and saying "someone like me can't do that." Why not? I've proved to my own self that if you want it hard enough you can have it. It's all about the work, you have to step up and say I will do the work it takes to accomplish that or have that. But don't we all know that the only things worth having in life take work and are hard. I'm going to do more of these things, I mean what's life about if not to do your best and improve yourself more every day, it's called progression. My new empowerment is never ending. I'm going to accomplish what I want no matter how bad I think I am at it, how silly it makes me (can't get much sillier then this picture) or how hard. It also has opened my mind just a little bit more to what I can become if I trust God and have faith in what he wants me to be. There are no limits. Take life and do want you want don't let life do what it wants with you. It's your turn now, accomplish the impossible. Why wait.


Lovely Lindsay said...

"Take life and do want you want - don't let life do what it wants with you."
love that.
you really amazed me with this race. really. a huge lesson you've learned from it - and i can't wait to see all the new talents you discover you've had all along.
love, lindsay

::lindsay said...

I'm so proud of you, Amelia! That is amazing. What a huge accomplishment.

Oh, and you have no idea how much I needed to read this tonight as I was sitting here psyching myself out and having totally negative thoughts about something I've been working know, the whole, "I can't do this. I'm going to be so bad!" So really, thanks for that.

AOlson said...

You are inspiring Amelia! I am so glad we got to do this hard thing together. I too now have a different outlook on things. AFter having accomplished our 13.1 miles I feel like there is really nothing that I can't do, even if I am horribel at it or look silly:)

S. Schuller said...

LOVED this post. You are an inspiration to so many. I need to print this post and read it everyday to remind myself of life's endless possibilities. You are amazing. Nice job.

Amy said...

Amen, sista! I'm so proud of you! and all of us! Only a few months ago, I never would have dreamed of doing anything like this either! But like you said, it takes hard work and believing you can do it!
p.s. I think the picture is great, and I LOVE that you quoted Yoda!

Shellie said...

That is amazing and so is your post! And I agree with everyone else, you are a very inspiring woman. Congratulations!

Mr. Furious said...

Preach on, sister! You are awe-some.

mindi said...

Congrats you little skinny! You look beautiful.

mimi said...

thank you for reminding ME of this. again.
i love you, amelia-mom....

Allison said...

you put into words what i have been feeling for a while now. with so much happening in life, it is hard not to let things pass you by because it seems to hard. but, if you don't do it now, if you don't 'live it up', life will just pass you by with nothing to show at the end. your awesome!