Sunday, April 20, 2008

Happy things

I seem to be feeling slightly overwhelmed these days and maybe even a little sorry for myself.  Today at the church the theme was definately getting beyond yourself and serving others which was exactly what I needed.  So even if I'm feeling not pretty and overwhelmed I'm going to get over myself:)  To start here are some happy things from my life, you try it, it feels nice.

Heart pancake made by Gabriel.


::lindsay said...

I've been feeling the same way, Amelia. I need to count my blessings and get over myself too. That being said, you just had a baby so I hope you aren't being too hard on yourself!

polka dots said...

I am feeling overwhelmed and I haven't even had my baby yet. Help????? Anyway, your tulips look beautiful and so does your little fam.

Jan said...

That is the sweetest pancake Amelia. I hope it made it all feel a little better. Sunnier days will help.

dandee said...

You have such a lovely little family that is probably not feeling so little anymore. Lots of blessings indeed!