Lately I am in that wonderful post pregnancy stage where nothing really fits and if it does it doesn't look that good. I've realized however this time that going out and actually shopping for clothes has been near impossible. Actually getting to somewhere I can look for clothes and then finding something that's not to teenagerish but not to grandmaish, well it's just to much work. Maybe 4 kids is the limit, maybe this is where God is trying to refine me into a more selfless less worldly person. Maybe this is where I wake up and put 'these' shoes on and "last years" pants and say "I don't need new clothes to feel good about myself, I don't care what others think of me and I'm happy even if I have a ponytail in my hair for the 30th time this month. Well so far I don't think it's worked but I am getting worn down so maybe in some strange way I will reach that point.:) The worth of a soul is great in the sight of God. (I'm pretty sure he didn't mean in my shoes but if so I'm kind of in trouble)
you're lucky if you are getting close to fitting your clothes. it takes me FOREVER to get back into clothes. . .and i feel like two kids is getting too hard to shop with--hmmm.
oh dear, i know what you mean! i feel like i can't ever find good enough clothes. i picture them in my head, but they just don't exist in real life... but i was going to tell you i Loooove that black long dress shirt you gave to me for my belly. it made me feel pretty when i wore it. wish you were coming to my baby shower .... sheeesh
This post made me smile. If it makes you feel any better I have worn the same two maternity shirts all week!
This post was great. I love how you bare all of your thoughts. You're so real. I love those shoes, btw. They always look cute with what you pair them with. And, ponytails are awesome. I wish I could wear one without looking like afro-girl in this humidity. I bet you wear make-up everyday though....that one I just don't do!
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