Sunday, May 25, 2008

Badger Mountain

Thanks to Amy I had a great hiking companion saturday morning, it was perfect weather and there were flowers all over the mountain.  We conquered Badger Mountain saturday, it felt great!  And if any of you are thinking my last post was weird I promise I really really love my baby Elias and he is getting slowly better.  I think I was in a weird mood that day sorry about that.  I'm so glad I can hike again!  Who wants to go next time?


Kate said...

I love hiking up there! I love the pics :) Now that the wind seems to be dying down I may have to take a trip up there!
As for the Colic (I'm not Chloe :) jk) but what worked for Gabe is running the humidifier for some white noise when he was sleeping and if he needed it for calming down during the day, we would move it to where ever he was at.
Just a suggestion just in case you hadn't tried it yet! :)

::lindsay said...

I didn't realize Elias had colic. I'm so sorry. It is not fun dealing with the constant crying. I don't know if you feel this way at all, but I felt so tired and hammered for the first four months of Chloe's life. She just cried and cried. I felt frustrated with the constant crying, bad I couldn't make her feel better, guilty for not being able to spend time with my other kids because I was dealing with the baby, and sad because I felt like I wasn't really cherishing her first few months like I should be.

I'm so glad you were able to go hiking. That's so great you were able to get a little "you" time in and also spend some time outdoors. How rejuvenating!

Hang in there. I hope the colic goes away soon!

Allison said...

we got the book!!! thanks so much!! it is such a cute book. hope elias is doing better.