Friday, May 23, 2008

Dear Chloe Bates,
I hear that you have found the cure for colic.  I feel it is only right that you provide the world with your knowledge.  I have suffered from colic ever since I was born and would very much appreciate it if you were to share.  I know you're older and wiser but I'm a little impatient, you never know I might be as big as you even if I'm not as old.  Thanks again and keep smiling.
Sincerely yours,
Elias River Larson

p.s. If you ever need someone to talk to about the "colic months"  you know I can understand- it's like we're kindred spirits.
p.p.s. If you're not Chloe Bates please pass this message on, it's quite urgent.


Megan said...

I've heard mint oil helps. how you get it in him is beyond me? both of mine suffered, but only for a few weeks and so i count myself fortunate.
best of luck

Allison said...

our pediatrician recommended the book 'The Happiest Baby on the Block' by Harvey Karp (the five S's). jane didn't have the worst colic, but the book was pretty helpful, but not a complete cure.

Heather said...

Colic is no fun... my condolences.

::lindsay said...

Dear Elias,

I just got the message. I didn't know you were a member of the colic club. Are there days where you just cry all day because you feel so yucky? That's what I did. It made my mommy feel really drained. You are getting older so I'm sure you will be feeling better soon.

Love, Chloe B.

Mr. Furious said...

thanks chloe