Thursday, May 15, 2008


Today is Sarah Schuller's birthday.  Sarah is one of the first friends I had when I moved here.  I first saw her in nursery the first week we were at church, she was newly married and beautiful.  I thought she belonged in some Audrey Hepburn movie and was way to young and hip for me.  So when she actually decided to be my friend I was so honored.  Her "chicken coop" house will always be in my memory, I knew I loved her the first time I walked in, anyone that was willing to paint on their walls was up my alley.  Even now it's painful for me to drive by where it used to be.  Her creativity and decorator skills have forever transformed my house, she brings beauty wherever she goes, so today celebrate your creative side, Thanks for being one of my best friends Sarah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  Here are a few reminders of Sarah that are around my house, I'm so glad I grabbed them before she moved away!


Jan said...

She is the most creative and sweetest person on the planet for sure. Happy Birthday Sarah.

Love the art work and glad you are friends. She is a keeper that girl.

dandee said...

Happy Birthday Sarah!

debfox said...

Oh, Amelia, what a nice tribute to Sarah. It made my eyes water. Everything you said about Sarah, I think about you! I know I speak for Finn and Lucy's mom , too, when I say the Foxes love the Larsons!

S. Schuller said...

That was so nice, Amelia. I don't deserve such a tribute. I love that picture too, particularly you look pretty in it. Yes, the Foxes (and the Schullers) do love the Larsons!