Thursday, October 2, 2008

My 2 cents again-healthy muscles

I haven't blogged this much in months but this has been an off day all around so what the heck!  This last pregnancy has thrown me when it comes to wacked out stomach muscles.  My front muscles split every time I have a baby but this time they were not going back for anything.  I have been seeing a physical therapist that specializes in this and I wanted to share a few secrets with anyone that has the same problems as me.  1st of all to see if your muscles haven't completely gone back together like they should lie on your back and do a half sit-up, find your belly button and feel for your tensed muscles.  If you can feel 2 muscles on both sides and basically a hole in bewteen (not good)  they are separated.  If you have this don't do sit ups!  When your muscles are seperated sit ups can separate them more.  Here are a few things you can do:

Lie on your back with your knees up.  suck in the lower part of your tummy, just the muscles.  Put your hand on your chest to make sure your not moving it to know you're doing it right.  Pretend you're pulling to your back for 5 seconds then release.  Do it like 15 times.  Do it every day.  It also helps flatten your tummy which is a major plus right after you've had a baby.  After you do that do the same thing only lift each leg up about an inch for a few seconds while you're doing it.  If you're doing it right it should be kind of hard.  Anyway these are the starters, I have some more for over all strength of your tummy area, maybe I'll post those next. 


Amy said...

Interesting! I will have to try it.

Brandi said...

Thanks for the tips. I would love more help in this area. I also have separated abs.


Jenni said...

I had separated muscles during my pregnancy. PAINFUL whoa. So glad that's over, and hoping to avoid it next time!

I'm not sure how I found your blog...I actually don't think I had seen it before you commented on my blog looks like Brandi is a mutual friend though, maybe through her?

mindi said...

thanks for this! mine never got back together after asher was born... i'll come back for more tips after this pregnancy!

tharker said...

Great idea! Thanks Amelia.

cate create said...

I'm going to pass that on to my sister who has the same problem, and keep it in mind for myself! Thanks!

SFHS 1994 said...

Hey Amy, We are looking for you! Could you check us out and send in your email address. We would also like to add your blog if that is O.K. I'll wait to hear from you.