Thursday, October 2, 2008

I've never done one of these tag things but Jade tagged me and I felt so honored that I had to do it.  So here goes:

#1: 8 things I am PASSIONATE about:

1. Health

2. My family

3. Having an open mind

4. folky music

5. Not wasting!  Anything I can reuse makes me happy, thrift stores are like 'save the environment stores' to me.

6. The gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

7. Seeing new places

8. Trying new things

#2: phrases I say often:

1. "i'm tired"

2. "not good for you"  Sorry kids

3. "I didn't get eveything done yet"

4. "lovey"





#3: 8 things I want to do before I die:

1. Get a bacherlor's degree in Natural health and nutrition, maybe more

2. make a cd

3. live in California (we'll see)

4. have a beautiful yard and garden

5. be satisfied with myself

6. go on a mission

7. grow all my food

8. Have a totally green house

#4: 8 places I would love to visit:

1. europe

2. Middle East again

3. South America somewhere

4. canada

5. Southern California

6. mexico

7. Falls Church

8. Bastyr University

#5: 8 things I have learned from my past:

1. Things don't get better, we decide if we do.

2. God knows more then me

3. My parents did the best they could

4. Saving money is good

5. It's good to take care of myself


7. Don't waste time when you're young, you can do so much


#6: 8 things I currently need or want:

1. To be satisfied with how I look no matter how uncool my clothes are.

2. good exercise

3. more rest

4. chocolate

5. a job for Jeff that he loves.

6. to hang out with people

7. better self-mastery

8. an unstinky bathroom (long story)

 people I tag:

1. S. Schuller

2. kristin A.

3. angie w.

4. Catherine P

5. Allison

Now we'll see if anyone reads this, it's been pretty dead lately:)  What can I say I don't always like to blog.


dandee said...

I can't wait to buy one of your cd's someday.

That babe of yours is completely adorable!

tharker said...

I read.

I love your blog, your family, your friendship.