Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I shouldn't complain-don't respond if you feel sorry for me:)

Is it harder this time? I sit here looking as sad as possible, needing everything, a haircut, a makeover, a workout, 35 less lbs. hmmm. I've got a heating pad on my aching back and a support belt trying to keep up my huge belly. It seems like all reality is slipping away today. Food poisoning for five days sick kids for 5 more, missing a very important family event this weekend. I guess that's what it's all about, for me anyway. I make this blog and I tell myself I have goals and aspirations, some people do a lot at 50 right? I will keep trying, I will keep watching those of you that inspire, but don't worry I will try to not let you see me in this condition:) Ah what it would be to have small babies. I will vote in the primary this week, I can put that in my mailbox, one little step...


Sara said...

I know the feeling, it's just a bad Wednesday thats for sure.

mindi said...

my first two were so tough i am still trying to get up the courage to try for #3. i think it is definitely harder the older we get and the more we have. hang in there. you are amazing.

dandee said...

Oh Amelia! I feel like you do today, but I'm not expecting a baby soon. What's MY problem?

Jan said...

At least there is an end in sight.
Seems like forever probably, but it will be over and then you have some joy swaddle on your lap.

::lindsay said...

Luckily, you don't have too much longer! I feel for you though. At the end of this last pregnancy, I was completely miserable...and I am only on child #3! Yikes! I can't imagine what I'll be feeling like if I decide to have another. Hang in there!

Lovely Lindsay said...

i remember being in the throws of the final trimester, wishing that babe of mine was ready to stretch his arms and leggies and make his way out into this world. despite how uncomfortable and painful these past few weeks have been and will be... aren't you amazed at your body's ability to safely grow and support a tiny human wonder?? so cool to be a woman. send your kids over so you can take a little rest. love, lin

cathmom said...

This home stretch is not easy. Before you know it, you'll be holding your fresh, new little sweetie and this part will be a blurry memory. You make beautiful babies, so healthy and cute. They are blessed to have a mama like you that takes good care of herself and grows them just right. I wish I was there to give you a massage and feel that little wonder with my own hands. Thank you with all of my heart for inviting me into your birth space again. It is a joy that I am looking forward to. Much love.

mimi said...

amelia - i wish i could hold your baby belly for you for a while. i can barely remember what it feels like....and it makes me sad seems so long ago... and now my only baby is now a big boy. hang in there and let us help you with things that we can. please.
and - go get a prenatal massage at will make you feel pretty, happy, and relaxed. love amy

Carol said...

Thank you for your honesty Amelia. I'm writing my talk for Sunday and I want to inspire like President Hinckley who encouraged us to do our best. But I also want to keep it real. We're not our best 100% of the time and that's okay. I just heard that a friend of mine had her baby today - 2 weeks after her due date! Phew. I was getting worried. When it was me I just remember thinking "I'm going to get a baby at the end of this!"